Technical Details

Why we develop new technology

TEMS' role is to maintain electrical equipment for railways.
We develop new technology where necessary to enable more efficient maintenance, greater safety and higher work quality. As a company responsible for the safe operation of railways, our customers expect high-quality, suitable and reliable inspections, and we are constantly working to further improve the quality of our inspections.
To accomplish this, we develop inspection tools and improve on them. Our development work is a source of motivation for our employees and something that breathes life into our workplaces.

Key points and directions

  1. Improving safety in our maintenance and repair work
  2. Improving efficiency in our maintenance and repair work
  3. Improving the quality of our maintenance and repair work
  4. Rapid response to faults
  5. Technology that is needed to improve equipment and rectify faults and issues
  6. Reducing costs
  7. Contributing to energy conservation and carbon reduction
  8. Offering railways safer and more efficient electrical equipment
  9. Offering railways new tools for better inspection methods

TEMS' technical development

Copper thermit welding tools

Lead wires and rails need to be welded. Crews used to need to bring different tools to sites depending on the type of rails, which resulted in heavy loads that were difficult to carry. We focused on making lighter welding tools that would be cheaper, last longer and enable more efficient work. The result was new and improved tools made from copper thermit.


  • ・The clamp is lighter and is ambidextrous, reducing weight.
  • ・The welding tools have been improved in general, making them more user-friendly.
  • ・The overhaul of the welding tools has reduced the cost.
  • ・The shape of the clamp has been improved for greater durability.

Portable rail grinder

Rail grinding is done using a grinder and a generator. The grinders we used to use were noisy and heavy, causing issues in our work. We developed a portable grinder that is lighter and significantly reduces noise.


  • ・An electric disc grinder is used. This enables quieter work as there is no engine noise.
  • ・The grinder is much lighter as no engine is needed. Work can be done faster as preparation such as starting the engine is no longer needed.
  • ・The grinding disc uses a diamond chip, enabling grinding even if welding alloy remains on the rails.

Positioning system for roadrailers

To place a roadrailer on rails, another worker needs to assist the driver by confirming the position of the rails. Our positioning system enables the driver to accurately check the rail position by themselves using a monitor.


  • ・The driver can use a monitor to check the position so that the roadrailer can be stopped in the right place.
  • ・The driver can stop in the correct position even if the roadrailer enters the rails at an angle.